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How do I create meta tags?

Meta tags are elements of a web page that contain information about its content, such as the page title, description, keywords, author, and more. Here are some tips on how to create meta tags:

  1. Page Title (title): This is one of the most important elements of meta tags, as it provides the basic information to search engines and users about what this page is. It should be short (up to 70 characters), contain the most important keywords, and reflect the content of the page.

  2. Description: This is a short description of the page (up to 160 characters) that appears in search results. It should be interesting and compelling enough for users to click on the link, while also describing the content of the page.

  3. Keywords: These are keywords that describe the content of the page. They are not as important to search engines as they once were, but they are still worth including in your meta tags. Avoid overusing and repeating keywords.

  4. Author: This is the name of the author of the page. This can be the name of the person, company, or organization that is responsible for the content of the page.

  5. Robots: This is a tag that tells search engine robots whether or not to crawl a particular page. For example, if you want search engines not to crawl your page, you can add the "noindex" tag.

Here is sample HTML code for meta tags:

Page Title
<meta name=”description” content=”Krótki opis strony”>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Słowa kluczowe”>
<meta name=”author” content=”Nazwa autora”>
<meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow”>

Remember that meta tags are just one element of optimizing your site for search engines. It is also important that the content on your site is valuable to users and easy to browse.

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